Posted on 8/29/2022

The majority of drivers will experience auto glass or windshield damage at one point in their lives. You might hear a loud pop with a chip or a loud shatter if it breaks. After you’ve managed to calm down, it is important to safely pull over and check out the damage. In some cases, you should report the incident to your insurance. Considering that ⅓ of your vehicle’s structural integrity is provided by the windshield, the next step is to find a repair specialist. We understand the devastation of windshield chips and cracks. The team at Neighborhood Tire Pros are here to provide you with quality and reliable auto glass solutions. Read on to learn more about the most common causes of auto glass damage. Road Debris - The most popular cause of auto glass damage comes from kicked up rock, pebbles, gravel, etc. Drivers are at a higher risk when driving through construction zones or off-road conditions.While they can range in size, they can strike your glass surfaces wit ... read more